Slide testnito - Vaše outsorcové testovacie oddelenie Ochránime správnosť Vašich dát na eshopoch Už sa Vám stalo, že ste po čase zistili že cena produktu na Vašom eshope je iná ako ste si mysleli že je? Zaberie Vám veľmi veľa času tieto dáta kontrolovať? Automatizujte! Začnime Chcem vedieť viac

testnito workflow

Testovanie Vášho projektu od A-Z


Každá testovacia stratégia je ušitá priamo na mieru Vášmu eshopu


Vytvorenie testovacích stratégií


Pracujeme s agilnými metodológiami


Naprogramovanie testov a ich pravidelné spúšťanie

Nepotrebujete viesť svoje vlastné testovacie oddelenie

Presuňte zodpovednosť na nás

Vieme aké pracné je prechádzanie a overovanie cien a iných dát od Vašich dodvávateľov po každej aktualizácii cenníkov. A ani to nezaručuje že ste nespravili niekde chybu a predáte zákaznikovi tovar pod cenu, alebo porušíte obchodné podmienky s dodávateľmi. Celý tento proces Vám zautomatizujeme.
  • Spúšťanie testov na dennej báze

  • Prehľadné reporty z každého testu

  • Okamžité varovanie v prípade nájdenej chyby


We make it easy for product teams to work together in real-time.

There are many ways to collaborate with us

We can fly solo or in tandem with a hands-on client.

We innovate products for our clients and partners

We guide you through concept refining, business modelling, design, development, and launch.

1. How does the process work?
That’s the idea! Take whatever steps you think appropriate to close the business. Clients may ask for your brochure.
2. What if we accept the invitation?
That’s the idea! Take whatever steps you think appropriate to close the business. Clients may ask for your brochure.
3. How do we apply for certification?
That’s the idea! Take whatever steps you think appropriate to close the business. Clients may ask for your brochure.
4. How do I know this works?
That’s the idea! Take whatever steps you think appropriate to close the business. Clients may ask for your brochure.

Supporting Advanced Technologies

Solving challenges that propel businesses forward

We invest in select founders and engineers who are transforming the world throughout the value chain of frontier technologies.
Offering Workspace

We sit at the center of innovation for entrepreneurs, corporations, cities, and investors.

Specialized Programming

We sit at the center of innovation for entrepreneurs, corporations, cities, and investors.


Technological Services for Companies

We offer integral solutions in information technology

  • Intelligence-Driven Decision Making

  • Outsourcing and Consulting

  • Technological Solutions

  • Platform Strategy

Meet some of our customers and partners

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What people are saying about us and our awesome products